Sunday, May 6, 2012

Walk it off. YOU Walk it off!!!

Been a few days.  Don't worry I haven't forgotten about you.  Seems when I don't run as much, I don't post as much.  I have taken a little bit off from both.  No real big reason, just things haven't meshed with running and I haven't pushed for it, I haven't made it happen.  Tomorrow, I have it set already, I'm running.
Part of the reason I haven't is the disappointment I have been feeling when I cannot run my full route and have to walk.  I would be fine with it if it was something like my cardio where I just couldn't due to breathing, or just flat out tired.  I'm not though.  I have been getting a pain in my leg, about the 1 mile mark and it will last until about 10 minutes or so after I finish running.  I have to see why it is, how I can fix or at least minimize it.  It annoys me, it is stopping me from pushing to the next mile mark.  Scares me a bit too, worried that it just might be me.  You know, go to the doc, "Doc, it hurts when I do this."  "Well, then don't do that" says the doc.  Concerned that it is what it is and cannot be fixed.  I had really messed up my ankle in my senior year.  Tendons, ligaments, everything in there but the bones.  Was told it would heal proper and be good as new.  I followed directions to a tee.  Crutches, ice, lace brace, no pressure on it for weeks.  I was a good patient, did everything I was told to.  Didn't heal quite right.  Well, that's the reason I worry a bit.  Not something I can run through, cant walk it off either.  Best way to describe.....put a flipper on your right foot, have the side of your leg from ankle to just below the knee spasm nice and tight....then run.  Kinda what it's like.  Can't stretch it away, can't rub it out (my leg) just stops a few after I stop running, doesn't come back till the mile mark of my next trot.  Rest, ice, heat, voodoo magic doesn't seem to work so, next up is good ole American doctorin'.
That covers my running.  Why you ask have I not been tickling the keys on the computer?  Great question, glad you asked.  I have been, just not publishing it.  Stay tuned.  Mixed in with the regular posts you have come to love, words you cannot live without, or maybe all in a row, a little series I have been working on.  It fits here, its fitness.  Get it, fits, fitness.  Hmm, tough crowd.  Its a mixture of things, all fitness related.  All focused on weight loss and ways to get the results you want.  Nope, not a special pill, diet, fad workout.  I guess it could be call the anti of all of those.  Just some ideas, observations, experiences, and opinions I have.  Well, keep an eye out, I will be putting it up soon (ohhh teaser to get you excited and draw you back in).
As always, thanks for reading.      - Joel

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