Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Wagons Should Have Seat Belts

April comes to a close and so does my 1st month of running/writing.  Not really a full month, closer to 3 weeks but who is counting.  I feel I am doing well in both areas.  Not exactly where I wanted to be, but better than where I was.  Still loving when I get out to run, and when I finish have a sort of excitement for the "next one".  The blog, just shy of 400 hits for the month.  It will be sweet if both grow, more miles and more readers.
Not quite ready to hit any races yet, I want to make sure there is still someone at the end to welcome me to the finish.  I'm afraid they might all have gone home by the time I cross the line.  There is a kind of impatience to it though.  I want to run a race, I want to be at my target weight, I want to do long runs like a boss.  With the impatience comes a level of understanding.  While I want to run 26.2 tomorrow, I know I need to pace, build, and be happy with where I am now and the small strides I am making.
I think I will start looking at some local 5k races and sign up.  Not tomorrow, but one soon.  Maybe June.  Oh, kinda rhymed.
A little scare here at the homestead.  Through the past week or so we realized someone has broken in our home and been filling the sink with dishes that have been used for un-runner food.  No suspects yet but I will keep you posted.  I haven't noticed any signs of forced entry, nothing taken, no alarms tripped so, it may have been an inside job.  I'm keeping my eye on the little one.  She may not talk or walk yet but she's a crafty lil thing.  Only so much milk and pureed foods one can stand.  Seeing this has made us take a step back.  More salads for lunch instead of leftovers.  No eating after 7ish.  Funny thing, if you feed a mogwai after midnight they turn to a gremlin, if you don't feed a Joel after 9pm they turn a bit gremlin-like.  (Did you know Howie Mandel was the voice for Gizmo?  He found he could do that voice on time choking on cake as a kid.  True story).   A bit of a re-affirmation on eating for us.  By no means are we horrible eaters, on the other hand, we aren't super great eaters.  I would put us in the better eater category overall.  Still, we need to keep an eye out.
It's ok to fall off the wagon a bit, or dive head first and land in a bowl of ice cream.  The important part is to get up, not be mad at the accidental dive into said ice cream and run to catch that wagon and hop back on.  Slips like that have to be expected.  I didn't add the extra me by over eating carrots and apples. Difference is, slips aren't gigantic falls and I don't stay down as long.  I hop back up, and grab the closest glass of water and "good for you" food.
So the trek might take a little longer, there may be peaks and valleys in the trip, and that is all good as long as I don't stop.  Just keep the forward motion, be it walk, run, or crawl.  Just keep moving, then, I will hit those goals.
Ok last post for April, which has not switched to May while I was writing, it's fine, Ill publish west coast time.  2 notes.  Firstly, I wanted to say Thank you to my super awesome great wife and besty.  We celebrated 6 years of wedded bliss yesterday (now two days ago).  You are the greatest, I love you Christine!!!
And B,  anyone have a hint at why the point from my ankle to my knee hurts on my one leg?  Straight line, drawn from the ankle up the side to just blow the side of the knee.  Makes the runs less of a run.
Thanks, I really do appreciate the time you spend here.  It makes me smile every time I log in and check the stats.  Keep on reading, also keep on hopping back up on what ever wagon you fall from.  - Joel


  1. First of all, not sure if this is bliss :) Second, I love you too! Oh and don't blame the little people! We are doing well and we will continue to support each other!

  2. Well if I dont blame the little ones then, I would have to say it was you :-)
