Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Change, not just what lives with pocket lint

Thanks everyone for taking a look here at my maiden voyage in blogging.  Hope you enjoy.  So as stated  before, this is a record of my journey in hopeful weight loss.  I'm not afraid to post that I was tipping the scale at a cleverly disguised 250lbs.  That is a bit higher than the doc would like me to be, my "ideal" weight is somewhere around 160...yeah sure doc, Ill hit that.  I'm not here to tell you this diet, fad, pill or, excersise routine is the magic way to lose the unwanted girth.  There are really only one thing that is a true, proven, way to get and keep the weight off.  Change. I'm fat, I will continue to be fat unless I do something different.
I am not going to count every calorie that passes my lips, I am not going to starve myself, I am not going to turn into a muscle head.  After some long discussions with myself (those happen more than I would like to admit), I made the decision to do something crazy....make some changes.  I will eat better, not like a rabbit, not like a model but like I want to, with some adjustments.  I will work out.  Anything is better than I what I do...nothing.
I guess I am a bit ahead of myself, prior to the self-conversations, there was a reason that led to those.  My wonderful wife asked me to take part of a biggest winner competition.  I like biggest loser named competition, that way everyone feels good.  In a winner competition, there is only one 1st place.  In a loser competition, the biggest loser is the winner and the other people lose, just not as much so, everyone is happy.  Kinda like when you were a kid and no matter how horrible you did in that competition you still got a ribbon or small cheap trophy just for showing up.  Anyway, I was asked, I said I would with the stern promise that I would actually try.  That was about 2 months ago, well I tried and my wife did as well.  I did ok, she did great (and is still doing great) and we didn't win.  That wasn't the reason to do it though, it was to get a start on a healthier life.  (Yeah and that is what I still tell my wife, just for a change, I didn't do it to get my hands on the prize money, and until now, I think she still believed me).
Fine now you are caught up, back to the 2nd paragraph.  I needed to change, I needed to drop some weight, I needed liposuction.  Not liposuction but I'm so damn lazy I didn't want to work out.  Seeing I didn't have a genie or any non-exerting spells, I dusted off my gym card, grabbed my ipod, laced my sneakers and headed to the gym.  I went 2 weeks 5 or 6 days of each of those weeks.  A little running on the elliptical, weight lifting and stretching.  We ate better and did the smaller meals/snacks through the day instead of the 2-3 big hearty meals.  In those 2 weeks, I dumped 10lbs.
Yup, a good start, I was ready to be in my speedo on the Beaver Island Beaches by late May.  Well there's something you will never unsee.  So, that's how this started, and now, that's what lead to this blog I am doing everything in my power to force you to keep reading.
Pass this along, share and keep the comment, yes comment, coming.  Thank you to my wonderful wife for commenting on my blog.
Don't forget to laugh today. - Joel


  1. So I will continue to comment.....because I can! I think we talk more on here than we do face to face....just kidding! I can't wait to see that hot bod at beaver island! :)

  2. Nice to know I will always have a consistent commenter. Can we shoot for somewhere other than Beaver Island?
