Thursday, April 19, 2012

Enjoy it, You Will Continue it

So like I said before, I get bored kinda easy with things.  I hit the gym like a champ, 2 straight weeks, yup, now I'm in shape.  Sadly the same shape as when I started but a shape none the less.  I needed to do something else I was getting tired of the gym even though it has to be part of what I am trying to achieve.  I knew my goal was to get healthier, to lose weight, to make some changes.  The means to that, running.  I wanted to be a runner.   I wasn't crazy enough to think I could just go out and hit the open trail.  I knew that pounding the pavement at my weight is a good way to make my spine and everything from hips down revolt against me and leave me crying by the roadside.  I have to drop some excess baggage.   I am well over the allotted carry on weight.  ***Sir we are going to have to ask you to check that additional weight, that isn't allowed on this flight to Skinnyville***
So, I got the inspiration from a few little DVDs.  A small thanks to a work pal for those, in hindsight, he hates me.  Yup, I was gonna try this "crazy" workout.  If you want a humbling experience as a male that might be overweight, or obese by the evil medical standards but, can still be fairly active in many sporting arenas, get a workout program where the ladies are powering through the reps and you are lying on the floor in a pool of your own perspiration trying to raise up to get into position for what is supposed to be a push-up but the best you can hope for is kneeling and moving your arms up and down praying they don't give out and you break your nose when you hit the floor.  Yeah and that was the "test" to track your progress.  Oddly enough, I liked it.  Of course that was after I was done and in the stretch/cool down phase.  I still made the decision to turn on the next video the following day.  Yup, even more ladies (and guys) hammering out these silly activities, although the ladies were less of the stopping and resting than the guys on there.  I continued that fun, and realized, I am having such a tough time doing these that I am starting to not want to fire up the self-abuse.  I wasn't looking to quit, I wasn't tossing in the towel (although for 1 month getting bored with the gym and workout video probably seems I'm not to far from that).  I was not wanting to get up and do the activities to make me lighter so I could run.
That's when my wife said, just go run.  Silly girl, while she isn't one that is afraid of sweat, working out or sports, she was never a runner.  (Although with her running club now she is covering more distance that I am).  Why would I listen to her.  I know so much more about how to lose weight, what is good or bad, how to I ran.  I told you before, 1 mile.  I am no where near my running weight, this is too early in my scheme of being buff to run.  I am so glad I didn't listen to what she said and decided to run ::cough::  Its what I needed.  It sucks in so many ways.  I don't go as fast or far as I think I should.  I hurt a little more than I think I should, I curse each incline and breeze in my face but, when I get home, I say that was great, let's do this again.
If this mess of writing hasn't portrayed to you a meaning, Ill just say it.  Find what you like to love doing to lose weight.  My wife started with Zumba classes and such, loves them.  Changed to running with a small side of weights and hopes to toss one of the Zumba classed back in the mix.  I bounced from a couple of things till my over sized butt landed in running shoes.
Yes any type of working out for the normal person is going to be a chore.  If you are not one of the lucky and crazy few that wants to induce fits of pain and shortness of breath by some sort of workout, you have to find something to keep you coming back.  When you find that activity, change up your diet to suit your needs, then you are there.  Then you will see the scale smile back at you.  If you like doing something, it wont be a hard decision.  You will say "self, today I am going to run, I am in need of less of me hanging about my stomach area and this is something I like to do, and something that will help me lose those mean, nasty additions I don't remember ordering".  You know what your self will say in response????  It will say "Let's kill this"!!!!!!
Thank you again, as always I greatly appreciate every person that takes time to hop on and read.  It makes me want to come back to the keyboard.  If you have something to say please, post in the comments.  I would love to hear from you.  If you know someone that you think will enjoy this as much as you do, share it.


  1. Well at least your head is in the right place (for the most part) My kick was when I got weighed at the Dr in Oct and well, let's just say I wasn't your running weight either, weighed more than when I was 9 months pregnant! So, off I went! Show the new kicks no mercy!!!

    1. Yeah, the doctors office is a nasty place. When that big weight on the top row of the scale kept moving right till it could move no more, I was looking to see if the nurse was standing on it with me snickering....sadly I could only blame the clothes I had on. Oh well, I was there, now I'm getting smaller.

  2. Hi Joelzy!! You are doing an amazing thing. 1 mile at a time......thats how I started. Couldn't even do 1/4of a mile jog. Started with the whole run/walk thing and "poof", a couple of years later a marathon. Just kidding about the "poof" it took a bit of work but I look at running now as a great way to clear my head. It's my outlet."chasing the demons" as my brother in law says. i don't get to hit the pavement as much as I would like or should anymore but I still love it. I also highly recommend a good pair of running shoes properly fitted for you by someone who knows running and good sneaks. You will find it makes a big difference. Before I got fitted properly I had some knee problems, my new shoes changed that. I love my running shoes and have multiple pairs of the same shoe (John thinks i'm a nut case). Keep up the good work!!

  3. Thanks Bridge. Yeah, I got a good pair, fitted by some young whipper snapper that probably runs too far for his own good. He knew what he was talking about though. I'm looking forward, real forward, to races. The 5ks will be cool but, I am really excited for bigger ones, marathon and 1/2 marathon. Good to hear from you and hope you can get out there a little more.
